The contest was to write an HTTP 1.1 compliant webserver in a single printf statement.

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There it is! The archive of Bill Gates' email! I will finally, once and for all, be able to prove that Microsoft is deliberately and knowledgeably spreading lies about open source! Finally, the beast will be slain!
Oh shit. I set off the alarm. Oh shit they're going to find me and break my legs and keep me in the basement and force me to code in .NET languages in Notepad++ for the rest of my life. I will never escape Ballmer's wrath. What was I thinking, oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck. WHOOOOOP
Jeez, though, I wish that alarm would stop going off and they'd just get here already. It's so annoying! BEEEEEP
Wait, why does that sound familiar? And why is Bill Gates' email saved on a flash drive in a glass case in a room full of lasers and not just encrypted in a datacenter somewhere? BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP
And why am I infiltrating this secret lair in my pajamas? Oh goddammit that alarm. Where do I... how do I make it stop... oh god, it's so annoying. Oh, here it is. "Disable Alarm". Or, wait, does that say "snooze"? BEBEBEBEBEBEBEBE
Ahh. There.
2 more! )

163 views and 3 responses

  • Jul 15 2009, 12:00 AM
    ithinkin3d responded:
    !!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

    SO. PROUD.

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  • Jul 15 2009, 12:00 AM
    ashays responded:
    Happy You Woke Up But Didn't Have Time To Finish Your Project Because You Were In The Hospital Day.

    But no, seriously. Real dream? Awesome story, nonetheless.

    (Reply to this) (Thread)

  • Jul 15 2009, 12:00 AM
    calebegg responded:
    Real dream(s), with a tiny bit of embellishment (the compiler didn't really say it was all a dream)

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