Moving from LJ to Posterous

So, I finally got fed up with the excessive ads on LJ and am switching to Posterous.

Why Posterous?

  • Automatic, painless import from LJ.
  • Auto posting back to LJ (more below), to Facebook, etc.
  • Ability to post by email.
  • Ad-free (for now).

But I am reading this on LJ!

I have it automatically posting *all* my posts to LJ for a couple of reasons; primarily, though, so that people that want to can continue to get my content on their friends page. This was basically the reason I selected LJ back in the day, and I'm glad I won't have to give it up.

So, basically, you can either read my posts in LJ, Facebook, or at (there's a feed of course there). I'm still trying to decide if I want to also autopost to twitter and/or tumblr (for same reasons as LJ).

So, yeah. More than you probably wanted to know.

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