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I've been busy at Google, but have had some time for some side stuff.

  1. I changed hosting to Google App Engine, and, in the process, completely redesigned my homepage using ajax (using jQuery and the Django template system (the subset included with App Engine)). The code, if you're interested, is here.
  2. I wrote a thing for the GLBTF website that uses the Google Calendar API in a manner similar (and inspired by) the (recently leaked) upcoming Calendar gadgets feature; specifically, the "Where are my friends" gadget. It shows whether or not there is a person staffing the office (based on a google calendar we will be keeping with the assigned office hours) and if not, when the next appointed office hours are (searching at maximum one week). View source for more -- it's pure javascript
  3. I tried out Moblin 2.0 beta. I have decided to wait until there's a stable release to try it again on my Eee. Too many bugs. Also, I'm going to wait until I'm back at school so I'll have my desktop as well as my laptop. But I'm not done with moblin. It is SO FAST.
    • The default browser is so buggy (can't even load gmail...) but Firefox can be installed from the package manager. The package manager is RPM based, not APT based like I'm used to, but it seems to be similar enough.
    • The root password is "moblin" (took me forever to find it...). Use su to get root access -- sudo doesn't work.
    • Google is almost no help on most things. I guess it's not widely used enough yet.
    • Moblin's sync only supports SyncML, but Google doesn't do syncml for anything but contacts. GooSync does do syncml (and uses Google's APIs, so you don't have to give it your gmail password) but when I put in the GooSync info it just says "Sync Failed: Calendar: Failed to process SyncML Failed to process SyncML" [sic]. Awesome. I wish they would support ical.
    • No shutdown button -- you close the lid to sleep and power button to shut down. Which it does without confirmation >.<. It's like "sudo halt". But still, interesting.
    • :38 startup (37.58") from GRUB-like menu thing until MAIN SCREEN TURN ON. Ubuntu is 1:07 or so
    • Frozen once on resume from standby
    • I'm so used to my laptop being muted, I started up frozen bubble and LOUD ANNOYING MUSIC started playing. At work. And I couldn't immediately make it stop, because frozen bubble is a bit slow, and locked up the mouse (worth noting that I was running Moblin from a flash drive, so that contributed probably).
  4. I finally convinced xrandr to do what I wanted without having to run a script every time I start X. Now all I have to do is restart x when I attach my external monitor. It would be awesome if I didn't have to do that. But we can't always get what we want. Here is the shell script (I have it installed in my startup programs in Ubuntu).

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