t9 typos

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Number is the number of characters in the words that differ (on a position by position basis)
7 amounts contour
7 astride brushed
7 astride crushed
7 hotbeds invader
7 rampages scorcher

6 adorns censor
6 amoeba confab
6 amoebas confabs
6 antics cougar
6 daughter fatigues
6 encode foamed
6 gorged inside
6 hoarder inbreds
6 horded impede
6 hotbed invade
6 hotbeds invades
6 knacker locales
6 packer scalds
6 pander scoffs
6 pistol shrunk
6 puffer steeds
6 pygmies swinger
6 rampaged scorched
6 rampages scorches
6 rampaging scorching
6 ranker scolds
6 runnier stooges
5,659 total. Full list here.

When I started I was going to post the script, but by now I am ashamed of it. You could write a better one, dear readers. Even the English major(s).

Inspired by one of @john746's recent tweets, and the lack of a list already easily found on Google.

307 views and 1 response

  • May 31 2009, 12:00 AM
    calebegg responded:
    Astride the contour between the rampaging, scorching invader and the hotbeds of pigmies wearing fatigues, the amoeba foamed inside. These antics encode a confab

    (Reply to this)